Tuesday, December 3, 2013

12/4/13: Day 3

My legs...I can't feel my legs! Talk about a rough lunge workout. I loved it though. Tough workout today, so be sure to roll out a lot, eat a lot, and sleep a lot. Tomorrow's workouts will be some more tests, but won't be super easy. Make sure to post your results in the comments or record them on your own. Here we go!


Row 500m
30 Dislocates
20 Hang Squat Cleans (Oly bar)
30 Lunges w/Twist

Roll Lats - 1min/side
Couch Stretch - 1min/side

Front Box Squat 5x2 @ 90%, 2:00 int

EMOM for 10min
4 Power Cleans (135/95)
8 Front Rack Lunges (135/95)
Rest 30 seconds (Starts after minute 10 finishes)
Cash-out: 4min Row for distance

*Start in heats of 4 people with 5min in between heats. Due to lack of rowers. Also, will need  extra time to make sure rowers are reset between heats. Score is distance rowed in 4min.


Row 500m
3 Rounds
10 Dislocates
10 Good Mornings (95/65)
10 Push-ups
10 Barbell Rows (95/65)

Roll Quads - 1min/leg
Roll Hams - 1min/leg
Roll Front/Back of Shoulder w/LAX Ball - 1min/section

None this week

3 Attempts at a max handstand hold for time
Rest 5min
AMRAP in 2min - Pull-ups
Rest 5min
AMRAP in 2min - Ring Dips

Squat Cycle
3x8 - 65%
1x5 - 70%
2x2 - 75%
1x1 - 80%

Same squat cycle as Monday, but Friday will get changed up. I still have to adapt to Monday's routine. Friday just gets heavier! Roll, eat, sleep...recipe for success. Lift heavy, my friends.

1 comment:

  1. 45 sec handstand,
    51 pullups
    51 dips
    did my squats with knee wraps on today. the big boys, not just the little sleeves. made a huuuuge difference. i was springing out of the bottom of my squats way easier. almost too easy...
