What's happened to me the last two weeks??? Missing days during the week? I'm falling apart! Just kidding, but seriously...it won't happen again. Anyway, hopefully everyone that's been following the bench strength work hits a PR tomorrow. I'm shooting for 275!!! I'll let you know if I get it. Or...if I don't post at all, it's probably because I missed it and no longer want to work out. Here's today's program!
Row 500m
2 Rounds
10 Dislocates
10 Barbell Rollouts
10 Mountain Climbers
10 Dive Bombers
Front Rack Band - 1min/side
Banded Hip Flexor Pull - 1min/leg
Athlete's Choice - 2min
Strict Press 7x3 @ 85%, 2:00 int
AMRAP in 3min
15m Yoke Carry (350/240)
Rest 3min
AMRAP in 3min
Rest 3min
AMRAP in 3min
Wall Balls (20/14)
Spend 1 Hour working toward 60 Squat Cleans.
Move up in weight as needed.
Focus on form over load.
Athlete Track
Row 1500m
Rest 4:00
Row 1500m
Rest 4:00
Row 1500m
Retest Bench Press 1-1-1-1-1
Super Set
6 Rounds
10 Weighted Pull-ups
The Oly program is a little different today. I want you guys to take the whole hour for Oly training and just focus on Squat Cleans. There is no emphasis on what percentages or weights to use, it's just you and the bar getting to know one another. I do want you guys to hit around 60 reps total though during that time. Getting good at Olympic lifts is all about getting your reps and practice in. Get to it!