Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Day 83

Better late than never!

2 Rounds
10 Dislocates
10 Barbell Rollouts
10 Lunges w/Twist
10 Good Mornings (95/65)

Roll Quads - 1min/leg
Roll Hams - 1min/leg
Roll Front/Back of Shoulder - 1min/section

Kipping Pull-up - 10min

5 Hang Cleans (155/115)
10 Burpees
15 Pull-ups

Monday, August 26, 2013

Day 82

Yes, I know it's late, but I'm still gonna do this so I don't get outta the habit again. Last set of squats today!!!

2 Rounds
10 Dislocates
10 Barbell Rollouts
10 Lunges w/Twist
10 Barbell Rows (95/45)

Roll Hams/Glutes - 1min/leg
Roll Quads - 1min/leg
Roll Lats - 1min/side
Roll T-Spine - 1min

Squat Cycle:
75% - 4x
85% - 4x4

Nice easy day today. The squats are a day ahead...oops, just realized that. But, by this point, your legs can take just about anything. I'm going to take 2 days off before I retest on Thursday, but you can take an extra day off if you want. Happy lifting today!

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Day 80

Only two days left of Smolov!!!! I'm gonna miss it...kinda. Today was rough. I'm just gonna post the squats for today, because if your body is anything like mine, it's hurtin. Anyway, two days left, and we retest next week!

2 Rounds
10 Dislocates
10 Barbell Rollouts
10 Lunges w/Twist
10 Barbell Rows (95/45)

Lax Ball to Front/Back of Shoulders - 1min/section
Roll Quads - 1min/leg
Roll Hams - 1min/leg

Squat Cycle:
75% - 3x
90% - 4x
95% - 3x4

She's gettin heavy! Monday is more of a lighter day, so this will be the last heavier day that we'll have. Get to it!

Friday, August 23, 2013

Day 79

Here are today's festivities!

2 Rounds
10 Dislocates
10 Barbell Rollouts
10 Lunges w/Twist
10 Barbell Rows (95/65)

Roll Quads - 1min/leg
Roll Hams/Glutes - 1min/leg
Lax Ball to Front/Back of Shoulders - 1min/section

Hang Power Cleans from Above the Knee 3-3-3-3
Overhead Squat 5-5-5-5

Push Press (135/95)
Box Jumps (24/20)

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Day 78

So, I'm a day behind on my squats, but if you have the spreadsheet, you'll know how to be on track. I'm just gonna keep posting what I'm doing on here either way. Follow along if ya want!

250m Row
10 Lunges w/Twist
10 Dislocates
10 Barbell Rollouts

Roll Quads - 1min/leg
Roll Hams/Glutes - 1min/leg
Roll Lats - 1min/side
Front Rack Band Stretch - 1min/side

Squat Cycle:
70% - 3x
80% - 3x
95% - 4x3

Clean and Jerk 1-1-1-1-1
Snatch High Pulls 2-2-2-2

That's all for today. Gonna keep working on getting the Olympic lifts stronger. Keep workin on them!

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Day 77

So...when I said more consistent...I meant starting today. Haha. Oops. Anyway, here we go.

10 Dislocates
20 Barbell Rollouts
10 Inchworm/Push-ups
20 Lunges w/Twist

Roll Quads - 1min/side
Roll Hams/Glutes - 1min/side
Roll Front/Back of Shoulder - 1min/section

Snatch Balance 3-3-3-3-3
Power Position Snatch (High Hang) 2-2-2-2-2

Row 2500m

Spend plenty of time on the snatch practice today. Try to get good vertical movement as well as a good pull on the bar and underneath it.

Friday, August 16, 2013

Day 72

Happy Friday to everyone. Hopefully, all is going well for everybody. Today's another great day for training! Here are today's festivities.

2 Rounds
10 Dislocates
10 Barbell Rollouts
10 DU's
10 Air Squats

Roll Back/Front of Shoulders - 1min/section
Roll Quads - 1min/side
Roll Hams/Glutes - 1min/side

5 Hang Cleans (155/105)
15 T2B
30 DU's

Have fun!

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Day 71

Hey! Two days in a row. You guys should be proud. Well, even though I'm a day behind in the squat cycle for myself, today was tough to get under the bar. I'm starting to feel the negative effects of squatting heavy all the time. Needless to say, the squat were still pretty easy, but my recovery time is starting to get a little longer. Anyway, enough complaining, here is what's going on today...

2 Rounds
5 Dislocates
10 Barbell Rollouts
5 Inchworm/Push-ups
10 Good Mornings (95/65)

Roll Front/Back of Shoulders - 1min/section
Roll Quads - 1min/side
Roll Glutes/Hams - 1min/side

5 Hang Cleans (155/115)
15 T2B
30 DU's

There ya go!

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Day 70

Alright...it's been a while since my last post. The good news is that I finally have Internet in my apartment. Score! Now the posts will get back to normal as they should be. I definitely missed posting, if you guys have any questions about missing days, just post on here or message me. Thanks!

20 Barbell Rollouts
20 Barbell Rows
20 Dislocates
20 Lunges w/Twist

Roll Hams/Glutes - 1min/side
Roll Quads - 1min/side
Roll Lats - 1min/side

Squat Cycle:
60% - 3x
70% - 3x
80% - 3x
95% - 2x3

EMOM for 10min
5 C2B Pull-ups
10 Burpees

The squats are getting a lot heavier, but with each session, I can feel myself getting stronger. It feels pretty good when 345# starts to feel light. Gotta love it!

Friday, August 9, 2013

Day 65

Moving into a new place is fun but busy! Sorry, I haven't posted in a few days. I'm doing my best to get settled into the new place and get back in a gym routine. Here we go for today!

2 Rounds
8 Dislocates
10 Barbell Rollouts
8 Lunges w/Twist
10 Burpees

Roll Quads - 1min/leg
Roll Hams - 1min/leg
Roll Lats - 1min/side

AMRAP for 20min
5 T2B
10 Pull-ups
15 Push-ups

This workout is very similar to "Cindy." A little variation to keep our legs fresh for tomorrow's squats. I know those heavy sets are hittin me hard!

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Day 62

Well, hello faithful followers (if there are any). Another lovely day is upon us. Everyone be sure to wish my wife a happy birthday! Here are today's bday activities.

2 Rounds
10 Rollover to V-sit
8 Dislocates
6 Barbell Rollouts
4 Inchworm/push-ups

Roll Hams - 1min/side
Roll Quads - 1min/side
Front Rack Band Stretch - 1min/side

Clean and Jerk - 10min (Keep the weight light and work on form for the WOD)

For time
30 Clean and Jerks (135/95)

Oldie but a goody! Make sure you keep track of your time on this one. Do work!

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Day 60

Busy busy weekend. I'm finally able to post on here again! If you've been following along at all, you knew what to do Friday and Saturday. If not, go look back over the last month, and you'll catch up quick. Basically had squats and shoulder presses. I'm just gonna put up a post for today.

2 Rounds
10 Dislocates
10 Barbell Rollouts
10 Rollover to V-sits
10 Lunges w/Twist

Roll Quads - 1min/leg
Roll Hams - 1min/leg
Lax Ball to Shoulders - 1min/section

For time
500m Row
50 SDHP @ 95#
40 DU
30 Burpees
20 Front Rack Lunges (95/65)
10 C2B Pull-ups

That's it for today. Been a busy weekend, and it'll only get busier as I transition from GR to Midland. I'll keep up the posts when I can. Later!

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Day 57

So, yesterday was a bit of a big workout day. Not only did I grab all those workouts, but I also got in an hour session of hot yoga. Talk about sweating like a dog! There may or may not have been some pooling going on when I was all done. I needed a squeegee, not a towel. Today will be lighter, and we'll get a little break.

2 Rounds
10 Dislocates
10 Spiderman Lunges
10 Barbell Rollouts
10 Barbell Rows

Lax Ball to Front/Back of Shoulder - 1min/section
Shoulder Band Stretch - 1min/side
Shoulder Mash - 1min/side
Roll Quads - 1min/leg
Roll Hams - 1min/leg
Super Quad Stretch - 1min/leg

10 Rounds for time
15 Air Squats
Sprint 100m
Rest 90sec

We have two days before we squat again, so the workout might hurt, but you'll have tomorrow to recover...maybe.