Monday, June 24, 2013

Day 19

Back to the grind! Time to earn your next rest day today! Today will be to speak. If you have a partner to do today's WOD, it's a good way to mix it up. Bench and squats are only getting heavier, so rest and proper nutrition is essential. We are starting week 2 of the base mesocycle for our squats, so one more week and a retest of our 1RM will happen. This will be the last week of the bench cycle as well, and we will be starting a new strength cycle after a week off of bench. Train hard today!

2 Rounds
10 Ring Rows
5 Barbell Rollouts
10 Rollover to V-Sit
5 Dislocates

Lax Ball to Back of Shoulder - 1min/side
Shoulder Mash - 1min/side
Roll Quads - 1min/leg
Butterfly Stretch - 1min

Squat Cycle:
Add 20lbs to last weeks corresponding set of 70% - 4x9

Bench Cycle:
70% + 15lbs from first weeks set - 6x6

100 KB Swings @ 2 pood (70lbs)
1000m Row
Every minute switch from one to the other. Keep chipping away at them until you finish both. If you finish one before the other, just use the rest of the time to work on KB swings or rowing and don't worry about switching on the minutes. If you're with a partner, it's 200 KB Swings and 2000m Row. Have fun!

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