Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Day 56

Alright, kids. Here's the word for the day. Got a tough WOD lined up, and hopefully you can find a partner to do it with. That's how it was designed, but if you can't, then just chop the reps in half. Except for the buy-in and cash-out. Here we go!

2 Rounds
10 Rollover to V-sit
8 Dislocates
10 Barbell Rollouts
8 Lunges w/Twist

Roll Quads - 1min/leg
Roll Hams - 1min/leg
Roll Calves - 1min/leg
Lax Ball to Front/Back of Shoulder - 1min/section

Squat Cycle:
60% - 3x
70% - 3x
80% - 4x
90% - 4x
85% - 2x5

Shoulder Press Cycle:
75% + 15lbs - 7x5

For time
Buy-in: Row 500m
100 GHD Sit-ups
80 Snatches @ 95#
60 Box Jumps, 30"
40 Hand Release Push-ups
20 Pistols
Cash-out: 100 DU

If you can't find a partner, do half the reps except for the buy-in and cash-out. Have fun!

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Day 55

Who's up for some bear complexes today?! I know I'm not! I'm gonna do them anyway though. And so are you! Here are today's activites.

3 Rounds
5 Dislocates
5 Barbell Rollouts
5 Ring Rows
5 Good Mornings (95/65)

Lax Ball to Front/Back of Shoulders - 1min/section
Front Rack Band Stretch - 1min/side
Roll Quads - 1min/leg
Roll Hams - 1min/leg

10min - Squat Clean

EMOM for 10min
Bear Complex @ 155/105

Today should be tough but fun. Enjoy!

Monday, July 29, 2013

Day 54

So, yesterday was technically the day to begin the intense mesocycle of the squats, but I found it's pretty inconvenient schedule-wise to have squats on a Sunday. I'm simply gonna move the squats back a day for convenience sake...just don't tell Smolov. If you were like me, you did the squats yesterday, so don't worry about what's posted today. We'll all be on the same page by the end of the week. Last week for shoulder presses too. Get some!

2 Rounds
10 Mountain Climbers (Push-up position, bring feet up by hands to open up hips, hold for a couple seconds and then repeat with other foot. 5 each leg.)
8 Dislocates
6 Barbell Rollouts
4 Squats

Roll Quads - 1min/leg
Roll Glutes/Hams - 1min/leg
Roll Lats - 1min/side
Lax Ball to Front/Back of Shoulder - 1min/section

Squat Cycle:
65% - 3x
75% - 4x
85% - 3x4
85% - 5x

Shoulder Press Cycle:
75% + 15lbs - 6x6

21-15-9 Reps for Time
Ring Dips

WOD is very optional for today, especially if you're doing squats. Enjoy!

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Day 52

Gonna keep it short and sweet today. I actually had some time to post!

5min - Your choice

10min - Your choice

Shoulder Press Cycle:
85% + 10lbs - 10x3

That's all for today. Program something up for a WOD if you feel up to it. Have fun today, and don't work too hard. We start our intense cycle tomorrow. Get loosened up and ready for that!

Friday, July 26, 2013

Day 51

Hurtin pretty bad today, but it feels good! The pain of progress is always positive. Got quite a bit of strength stuff today, so we'll take it easy on the WOD. Intense mesocycle of our Smolov cycle starts next week. Gotta be prepared and rested!

2 Rounds
10 Squats
8 Dislocates
6 Barbell Rollouts
4 Spiderman Lunges

Roll Lats - 1min/side
Lax Ball to Front/Back of Shoulder - 1min/section
Roll Quads - 1min/leg
Roll Hams - 1min/leg

Squat Cycle:
Box Squats - 12x2 @ 75%

Shoulder Press Cycle:
80% + 10lbs - 8x4

Run 1 mile
Row 1500m
Bike 2 miles

Nothing too crazy today. Have fun!

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Day 50

Happy Thursday, everyone! I don't know why it's happy Thursday, but just go with it. Well, I'm pretty sore from those snatches yesterday, so we are gonna go a little easier on our shoulders today...kinda. Time to shake off the gym mold for a little bit and do some running outside!

2 Rounds
5 Dislocates
8 Barbell Rollouts
5 Inchworm/Push-ups
8 Wall Balls (20/14)

Lax Ball to Back/Front of Shoulder - 1min/section
Shoulder Mash - 1min/side
Roll Calves - 1min/leg

100m Sprint
Rest 1min

Then, after a 5min rest...

EMOM for 16min
Odds - 8 C2B Pull-ups
Evens - 8 GHD Sit-ups

Some good bodyweight stuff today. Enjoy!

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Day 49

Hello, all. Today, we will be focusing on speed with some snatch work. We will also be working on getting comfortable in the bottom of the OHS/Snatch. Really focus on exploding those hips with the snatch. It translates very well to the squat and the explosive power it takes to move heavy weight. The squat cycle is incorporated into the workout with the snatches. Here we go!

2 Rounds
8 Dislocates
10 Barbell Rollouts
8 Squats
10 Lunges w/Twist

Roll Hamstrings/Glutes - 1min/side
Roll Calves - 1min/side
Your Choice Shoulder Band - 2min

Shoulder Press Cycle:
75% + 10lbs - 7x5

Snatch Balance w/3sec hold in the bottom - 5x2

EMOM for 10min
3 Power Snatches @ 85% of 1RM

Key to today is speed and power! That's what it is every other day too though. Happy WODing!

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Day 48

I have a lot of homework for my internship to do today, so here is what's going on today. I'll write more next time!

2 Rounds
5 Rollover to V-Sit
5 Dislocates
5 Barbell Rollouts
5 Barbell Rows

Roll Quads - 1min/side
Roll T-Spine - 1min
Butterfly Stretch - 1min

15 Pull-ups
15 KB Swings (55/35)
15 OHS (95/65)

Short and sweet. Enjoy!

Monday, July 22, 2013

Day 47

I know...weekends are hard for me to get stuff posted up here. I seem to be busier on the weekends than I am during the week. It's crazy! Anyway, if you've been following along with the cycles, you knew that there was a shoulder press 10x3 @ 85% on Saturday. If not, my bad. Anyway, here is today's stuff.

2 Rounds
8 Good Mornings
6 Dislocates
4 OHS w/PVC Pipe
2 Inchworm/Push-ups

Roll Quads - 1min/leg
Lax Ball to Back of Shoulder - 1min/side
Roll Lats - 1min/side

Squat Cycle:
Squat Negative - 1x @ 1RM + 20lbs

Shoulder Press Cycle:
70% + 10lbs from last week - 6x6

Run 400m
21 KB Swings (55/35)
12 Pull-ups


Friday, July 19, 2013

Day 44

Ok, people, here it is. We have some antsy followers that are ridin me to get this posted. Your wish is my command!

2 Rounds
10 Barbell Rollouts
8 Dislocates
6 OHS w/Bar or PVC Pipe
4 Rollover to V-Sit

Roll Hams/Glutes - 1min/side
Roll Quads - 1min/side
Shoulder Band Stretch (your choice) - 1min/side

Squat Cycle:
Box Squats - 70% of 1RM Box Squat - 12x2

Shoulder Press Cycle:
80% - 8x4

Find 3-point max for snatch without dropping the bar from - Floor, Mid-Hang, High-Hang
Floor - Full snatch with weight on the floor
Mid-Hang - Bar is pulled from the top of the knee
High-Hang - Bar is already in the hips with knees slightly bent

21-15-9 Reps for time
Ring Dips

WOD is pretty optional today. Depends on what you want to work on. Remember to keep that chest puffed out and that back tight for the snatches. Happy lifting!

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Day 43

Another day of working out and sweating non-stop...gotta love it! Today will primarily be a skill day. Take it easy and work on your Oly lifts. Hopefully everyone is feeling good with working out and feeling strong. I know I am!

2 Rounds
8 Dislocates
6 Squats
4 Barbell Rollouts
2 Pull-ups

Lax Ball to Front/Back of Shoulder - 1min/section
Roll Hams/Glutes - 1min/side
Shoulder Mash - 1min/side

Hang Snatch - 15min

AMRAP in 25min of
You will do as many rounds as possible increasing by one rep each time without letting go of the bar. Without letting go, you will do (1-PU, 1-T2B). The next round, you will do (2-PU, 2-T2B) and so on. The WOD ends when you can no longer hold onto the bar through the number of reps in a round. There is a 25-minute time cap.

If there are any questions about the workout, feel free to comment below. It's kind of confusing, but the primary goal is to keep going up in rounds without letting go of the bar. Have fun!

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Day 42

Holy hot... On days like today, the sweating pretty much doesn't quit. Makes me feel like I'm working hard though! Make sure to drink plenty of water today. You're gonna need it. The squat cycle has us doing power cleans today. These will be incorporated into the WOD. Your primary focus should be speed with the workout. You'll see what I mean. Here we go!

2 Rounds
8 Lunges w/Twist
6 Dislocates
4 Barbell Rollouts
2 Inchworm/Push-ups

Roll Lats - 1min/side
Front Rack Band Stretch - 1min/side
Roll Hams/Glutes - 1min/side

Shoulder Press Cycle:
75% - 7x5

EMOM for 10min
Odds - 6 Power Cleans @ 135#
Evens - 3 Power Snatches @ 115#

Everyone try to stay cool today and enjoy the workout!

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Day 41

Well, my legs are a little sore, but I'm feeling pretty good! Hit a new PR on power clean of 225! Feels good to get stronger. The days are also getting hotter, and I've been sweating non-stop. That doesn't feel so good. Anyway, here are today's activities. Enjoy!

3 Rounds
5 Dislocates
5 Barbell Rollouts
5 Squats
5 Inchworm/Push-ups

Roll T-Spine - 1min
Roll Hams/Glutes - 1min/side
Front Rack Band Stretch - 1min
Shoulder Mash - 1min/side

Full Snatch

Row 2500m

Nothing too crazy today. Get in some endurance training. We haven't done that in a while. Have fun with the workout, and keep working on those Oly lifts when you can!

Monday, July 15, 2013

Day 40

Busy weekend! Sorry for the lack of posts this weekend, but hopefully everyone knew to find their 1RM for back squat on Saturday. I know I did, and I hit 385!!!! Hard to believe. That's 10lbs over my goal, and I couldn't have been more ecstatic. It'll make things even heavier for the next part of the cycle, but I'm looking forward to it. For the next couple weeks, we will be doing some various strength things like box squats, squat negatives, and power cleans. We will also be starting a shoulder press cycle again. These will either be worked into the WOD, or posted as a separate strength workout. Here goes!

2 Rounds
10 Barbell Rollouts
10 Lunges w/Twist
10 Barbell Rows (95/45)

Roll Hams - 1min/leg
Lax Ball to Front/Back of Shoulder - 1min/section
Front Rack Band Stretch - 1min/side

Shoulder Press Cycle:
70% - 6x6

Squat Cycle:
Find 1RM Power Clean
Find 1RM Box Squat
Squat Negative - 1x1RM + 10lbs (This is done by unracking the weight and going down as slowly as you can until you hit the safety pins in the bottom of the rack. Set the safety pins to where you know you'll be ok to fail.)

10 Hang Cleans (155/115)
20 Hand Release Push-ups
50 DU's

Have fun today. The WOD is a toughy, but it's a good one. That bar feels light after all those squats!

Friday, July 12, 2013

Day 37

Time for a little active rest today. Nothing hard. Just some loosening up and getting ready for tomorrow. Here it is.

3 Rounds
5 Dislocates
5 Inchworm/Push-ups
5 Barbell Rollouts
5 Front Squats (95/65)

Roll Quads - 1min/leg
Roll Hams/Glutes - 1min/leg
Roll Calves - 1min/leg
Butterfly Stretch - 1min
Lax Ball Front/Back of Shoulders - 1min/section
Roll Lats - 1min/side

No WOD today. Just relax and loosen up. Had some good WOD's this week. Prepare to hit it hard tomorrow!

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Day 36

Hear ye, hear ye...I'm finally kinda sore. Time to take a break, and by break I mean sprint intervals! Yay! I figured it's a good way to still get in some exercise while giving a break to the rest of our body. Tomorrow will be completely off with some mobility to loosen up for Saturday. I'm nervous and excited to test out my new max. Hopefully everyone does well with it!

2 Rounds
8 Lunges w/Twist
6 Barbell Rollouts
4 Air Squats
2 Inchworm/Push-ups

Your Choice Shoulder Mobility - 5min
Roll Quads - 1min/leg
Roll Hams/Glutes - 1min/leg

10 RFT
Sprint 200m
Rest 1.5min

Get some good ol' running in today. Work on some high intensity cardio and then take a day to recover. Sounds like a good plan to me! Have fun.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Day 35

So, I decided to postpone the shoulder press cycle for another week. Hittin up the WOD's pretty hard this week, and my shoulders are getting some good action either way. If you want to keep going with it, feel free to try it out! Retest for the squat cycle is this Saturday. Take it easy Friday and get ready for that. Also, today works out really well as a partner WOD. Try to get someone in the gym today to get them to try out a workout!

2 Rounds
8 Dislocates
8 Barbell Rollouts
8 Spiderman Lunges (do a lunge and then push your elbow to the floor to really open up your hips)
8 Barbell Rows

Lax Ball to Front/Back of Shoulders - 1min/section
Your Choice Shoulder Band Stretches - 1min/shoulder
Roll Quads - 1min/leg
Butterfly Stretch - 1min

(Half the reps if doing it alone) For time
50 Box Jumps (30/24)
40 Dumbbell Snatches (75/45)
30 Bench Press (205/115)
20 Overhead Lunges (135/95)
10 15' Rope Climbs (Double the number of Burpee Pull-ups if you don't have a rope)

There ya go! I had fun with this one today. It's a lot more fun with a partner, so try to bring someone in!

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Day 34

Well, having not done power cleans in a while, I'm hurtin. That was an awesome but painful workout yesterday. I also had the chance to finish up my squats yesterday. Felt pretty good! Gonna take it a little easier today. Something short, sweet, and to the point. Here it goes!

2 Rounds
5 Dislocates
8 Barbell Rollouts
5 Barbell Rows
8 Air Squats

Roll Quads - 1min/leg
Roll Hams/Glutes - 1min/leg
LAX Ball to Shoulders - 2min/side
Shoulder Mash - 1min

10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Reps for time
Wall Balls (20/14)
KB Swings (55/35)
Toes to Bar

Ok, so maybe not short and sweet. You guys will survive anyway. We don't have heavy squats, so anything is better than that! Enjoy today's workout!

Monday, July 8, 2013

Day 33

Yes, I know. I skipped a day. Sundays are always off-days anyway, and I was still lacking an Internet connection...small-town problems. So, who's ready to not squat until Saturday this week?! I know I am. I still have to finish my 10x3 due to a lack of a gym this weekend. However, for everyone else, no squatting this week. We'll focus on some cardio and keep our legs moving, but stay away from any heavy lifting. You've all earned it. I am also considering starting a shoulder press cycle just like our bench cycle. It'll be good to keep those shoulders active! I failed at 275 on bench, but I am going to give it one more go later on. I hit 265 though! That's at least a gain of 15lbs. Here is today's stuff.

2 Rounds
10 Barbell Rollouts
7 Dislocates
5 Lunges w/Twist (5 each leg)
2 Inchworm/Push-ups

Roll Front/Back of Shoulder - 1min/section
Shoulder Mash - 1min/side
Roll Hams - 1min/leg

Shoulder Press Cycle:
70% - 6x6

EMOM for 20min
Odds - 5 Power Cleans @ 185lbs
Evens - 7 C2B Pull-ups

Scale the cleans and pull-ups to however you can do them (lighter weight, jumping pull-ups, etc.). Hopefully this will start to get our cardio back to where it should be. I know mine has been lacking, but it's worth it to get my squat stronger for the time being. Enjoy!

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Day 30 & 31

Alright, guys. Had a wedding this weekend and I've been busy! Gonna keep it short as I'm about to lose Internet connection.

3 Rounds
5 Rollover to V-Sit
5 Dislocates
5 Inchworm/Push-ups

Roll Quads - 1min/side
Roll Hams/Glutes - 1min/side
Butterfly Stretch - 1min

Squat Cycle
Day 30 - 80% + 10lbs from last weeks set - 7x5
Day 31 - 85% + 10lbs from last weeks set - 10x3

Don't worry about WOD's this week or make up your own. I'll get back on track for posting next week. Have fun squatting!

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Day 28 & 29

What a day...sorry for the late post. Ended up driving all over the state and blowing a brake line in the process. Life likes to throw in monkey wrenches! Anyway, hopefully you all could piece together what the squats were for today. The official suckness of the squat cycle is in full effect in my legs and back. This week has been pretty hard. But, we always push through! Here is what was supposed to go on today.

2 Rounds
5 Barbell Rollouts
5 Dislocates
5 Good Mornings
5 Inchworm/Push-ups

Roll Quads - 1min/leg
Roll Hams/Glutes - 1min/leg
Butterfly Stretch - 1min

Squat Cycle:
75% + 10lbs from last weeks cycle - 5x7

Toes to Bar

Make up the WOD today if you didn't do it yesterday. Other than that, today is an off day for squats anyway. Do some mobility today and loosen up!

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Day 27

Who else wants to loosen up their sore muscles? I know I do. Those sets of 9 always beat me up and get me pretty sore. Today will be a heavy mobility day to get us loosened up for tomorrow. Gotta keep improving those ranges of motion! Anyway, here is what's going on today.

3 Rounds
10 Dislocates
10 Barbell Rollouts
10 Rollover to V-Sit
10 Lunges w/Twist

Roll Quads - 1min/leg
Roll Hams/Glutes - 1min/leg
Roll Calves - 1min/leg
Lax Ball to Front/Back of Shoulders - 1min/section
Roll Lats - 1min/side
Shoulder Mash - 1min/side

AMRAP in 10min

Time to get those six packs!

Monday, July 1, 2013

Day 26

Hello, minions. First day off of the bench cycle! Don't worry, we'll still get the shoulder and triceps activated today though. And of course we'll still squat. My life is incomplete without squatting every other day. At least the pain from the bar resting on my traps is gone! Hopefully everyone is else is doing and feeling well. This is the last week of the squat base mesocycle. Things will change up next week. Here are today's workouts!

3 Rounds
5 Barbell Rollouts
5 Dislocates
5 Lunges w/Twist

Lax Ball to Front/Back of Shoulders - 1min/section
Shoulder Mash - 1min/side
Roll Quads - 1min/leg
Roll Hams/Glutes - 1min/leg

Squat Cycle:
70% + 10lbs from last week's set - 4x9

10 Burpees
10 Toes to Bar
10 Ring Dips

"With dedication comes sacrifice." - Justin Aman, I'm a genius...what can I say :)