Hey, guys! Welcome back from the weekend! 14.3 was a doozy. All scores aside, I'm super proud of how you all did with keeping solid form. No score is worth an injury. Good work! Also, I think I'm gonna start writing down some of my own thoughts about the gym and stuff like that. Just something extra to read and think about. Here it goes!
We have a quote at the gym on our board. It's from a very inspirational movie that you may have heard of...Pirates of the Caribbean. Johnny Depp (a.k.a. Cap'n Jack) says, "The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem. Do you understand?" This quote, as funny as it may seem, actually has a lot of impact on you as an athlete. When you really think about it, a WOD is just an assortment of movements put together that we do to help improve our strength, endurance, or mental fortitude. I haven't been CrossFitting long compared to some, but I still have a pretty good understanding of estimating the toughness of a workout, and how I will do in them. With that being said, I believe that WOD's are 95% attitude and 5% effort. What I mean by that is anyone can do a WOD...literally, that's the basis of CrossFit. Everything is scalable (up or down), and it's for 5 year olds to 95 year olds. So, being that I know I can do every single WOD ever made, it all comes down to my attitude about it. I can go into the workout full-on beast mode and have it crush my soul, or I can go into it with a careless attitude and have it be "ok." I just want to throw a little word of encouragement at you guys today to dig inside yourself to break out of that comfort zone/rut and give it your all no matter what the workout is. You may not like the WOD, you may literally hate every single movement, but don't let that halt your progress. Every WOD can and will help you in one way or another...even 7min of Burpees (which I hate to my core). Final thoughts, you guys are awesome, and you know you're awesome. No matter what your workout is, give it your best effort. I don't care if you don't like it, just give it your all. Go out of your comfort zone! Hit that 185# Deadlift PR out of nowhere in the middle of 14.3, Mary! Keep up the good work, Chemists!
Row 500m
3 Rounds :20/:10
Jumping Jacks
Slam Balls
Roll Quads - 1min/leg
Partner PVC Superman Stretch - 1min/partner
Athlete's Choice - 2min
Overhead Squat 5-5-5-5-5, 2:00 int
4 Rounds for time
20 DU
15 Ground to Overhead (95/65)
10 C2B Pull-ups
12:00 cap
Athlete Track
8 Rounds for Average Distance
Row :30
Rest 2:00
*Reset the distance for each round and take the average of all 8 distances.
5 Rounds
6 Reverse Flys
10-9-8-7…1 Reps for time
GHD Sit-ups
Burpee Deadlifts (55/35)
Good luck today, guys!